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Paul Sutton Direct:
Office: 352-694-9691
Fax: 352-286-5775
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Lawn Services
Rates Vary for Property Size
Insured by Nationwide for $1,000,000
$30 Up to 1/4 acre
Trimming, edging and blowing
$50 1/4-1/2 acre
Trimming, edging and blowing
$90 1/2-1 acre, per acre
Trimming, edging and blowing near home
List your home with me.
I'll have your lawn cut FREE while I sell it!*
List your home with me.
I'll have your lawn cut FREE while I sell it!*
Insured by Nationwide Commercial Insurance for $1,000,000.
List your home or business in Marion County with Paulsuttonrealtor (PSR) and we'll cut your lawn during the listing agreement! Would it help you to focus on keeping the inside ready for showings? Are you leaving before your house sells and you need to arrange for a service to keep things up after you leave? Is your office building vacant and you are wanting to sell? This is for you! Insured commercial mowing service will keep your yard looking market ready as we work to sell your home.
*Restrictions apply. The FREE lawn service offer is contingent on accessibility and safety to operate on your property. The free offer is for lawncare 3X per month, on up to 1 acre of improved parcel listed. The offer is for cutting, trimming, and blowing the driveway and sidewalks of your listed property during the months of April 1 through November 1, during the listed period. Properties over 1 acre are available for a discounted charge per cut. Estimates will be made prior to signing the listing contract. Review full offer rules with the Realtor. Offer is only available on contract to list your home or business for sale, with Florida state licensed Realtor Paul Sutton of Preferred Properties of Central FL. Only on 1-year listing contracts. Short sale listings excluded. Limited time offer. The right to restrict or deny a lawn service offer is reserved at Realtor's discretion.
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